Sunday, October 5, 2008

Carlos Slim

Chair, TelMex and Carso Foundation

Carlos Slim Helu Biography

Name : Carlos Slim Helu
Date of Birth : January 28,1940
Place of Birth : Mexico City, Mexico
Race or Ethnicity : Middle Eastern
Education : National Auonomous university of Mexico (1961)
Nationality : Mexico
Fame: World's Richest Man (Forbes 2007)

Carlos Slim of Mexico, is an industrial titan whose holdings span telecom, banking, energy, tobacco and more, has built unimaginable wealth in one of the poorer countries in the Western Hemisphere. Son of a Lebanese immigrant, Slim made his first fortune in 1990 when he bought fixed line operator Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) in a privatization. In December, America Movil struck a deal with Yahoo to provide mobile Web services to 16 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Slim, 67, amassed wealth in a nation where per capita income is less than $6,800 a year and half the population lives in poverty. His wealth accounts to 6.3% of Mexico's annual economic output.TelMex controls more than 90% of the phone connections. His companies build roads and erect oil platforms, his banks loan money to businesses and consumers alike, and he even sells knickknacks through his Sanborn's retail chain.
He has a share in America Movil (wireless),Carso global telecom (Holding company), Grupo Carso( conglomerate),Inbursa( financial services), Ideal( Infrastructure), Saks Inc.( Us retailer) and according to Fobes his Total net worth is $58.5 billion. (Source: Fortune 500)
Why Carlos Slim is successfull? (Source: Wall Street Journal)
  • He invested smartly when the economy was down.
  • Expanded in to new Industries and markets
  • Maintained a strong social relationship and bulid strong network
  • Bought cheap companies and tries to establish monoply
  • Targeted industries within one's sphere of influence
  • Grooming new leaders and successors who can internalize his methods